Glass in architecture

8th Russian competition with international participation «Glass in architecture 2022»
Union of architects of Russia,
Union of Moscow architects

Supported by:
Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities
of the Russian Federation,
Complex of urban policy and city building of Moscow,
Moscow Committee for Architecture and Urban Development,
JSC Research Center of Construction,
Union of Glass Enterprises,

The Union of architects of Russia invites you to participate in the 8th Russian competition with international participation «GLASS IN ARCHITECTURE», which will be held as a part of the 34d international Forum of architectural glass industry «Archlass 2022» from 6 to 8 December 2022 in Moscow, Central House of architects

This is the only competition in Russia that demonstrates the capabilities of glass in realized projects and the prospects for its use in architecture and construction.

For last 7 years, the competition was attended by well-known architectural companies - BERNASKONI (,
Reserve (, Sergey Skuratov Architects (,
Tsimailo Lyashenko and Partners (www.tip, UNK Project (, Ostozhenka (, IND Architects (, SPEECH (, architectural bureaus from Germany, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Serbia, Great Britain, Czech Republic.

The jury of the first competition was attended by the world-famous German architect and engineer Werner Zobek (
One of the Grand Prix of the competition was made by a unique glass specialist Bernard Pictet from France (

The national award in 2018 was received by the bureau Volker Giencke & Company, Austria ( for GREAT AMBER - Concert Hall Liepaja / Latvia.

Competition topics are new construction objects, objects of historical building, objects of reconstruction and restoration, small objects, glass printing on facades and interiors, objects of interior design, building elements.

National Prize for the best realized project is awarded, Gold, Silver, Bronze diplomas.

Architects, designers, restorers, designers are invited to participate.

Sections: REALIZED and UNREALIZED PROJECTS are presented
with the use of glass and translucent structures performed over the past 5 years.

The awarding ceremony of the laureates - September 23, 2021 at Skolkovo Technopark.

Acceptance of applications is already open and will last until 20, July 2021.

Registration Deadline: 15/11/2022
Submission Deadline: 22/11/2022
Venue: Russia, Moscow, Moscow, Central House of architects

Competition regulation

1. General regulation

1.1. Organizers:
Union of Architects of Russia,
Union of Moscow Architects.

1.2. Competition official support: Ministry of construction of Russia, Ministry of industry and trade of Russia, Complex of urban policy and city building of Moscow, Moscow Committee for Architecture and Urban Development, Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, the Union of Glass Enterprises, Russian Aluminium Association, RUSAL.

1.3. Goals of the Competition:
– Popularization of the use of glass in architecture and construction as one of the most promising materials for the formation of an attractive appearance of modern cities.
– Identification of new trends and areas of application of glass solutions in the world of architectural and construction practice.
– Stimulating the widespread use of new technologies in the design of modern buildings and structures using glass solutions.
– Identification and promotion of the best design solutions using glass.
– Development of constructive interaction between architects, designers and manufacturers of glass structures and products.

1.4. The materials of the competition, the announcement of the beginning and the main stages of the competition will be posted on the websites of the international forum, the Union of Architects of Russia, the Union of Moscow Architects, the Union of Glass Enterprises and specialized media.

2. Format

The review competition is open and held in one stage.

3. Participants

3.1. We invite everyone who is able to contribute to the development of the architectural environment using translucent structures to participate, Russian and foreign author’s collectives and studios, architects and designers, building experts, interior designers and students of specialized institutes.
3.2. An individual, organization or creative team can become a participant in the competition.
3.3. The participant can take part in several nominations of the competition.
3.4. Projects can be presented by the authors of works, departments of creative unions,
companies - manufacturers of aluminum products, construction organizations, architecture and urban planning authorities of regions and cities of Russia, investment and development companies.

4. Sections and nominations

4.1. The competition is held in two sections:
with the use of glass and translucent structures performed over the past 5 years.

4.3. Nominations in each section:
1. The new construction objects.
2. The object of historical building.
3. The object of reconstruction and restoration.
4. The small objects.
5. The glass printing on facades and interiors.
6. The object of interior design, building elements.
The special nomination: The best student project.

4.4. Participants of previous contests may resubmit their projects in the “UNREALIZED PROJECTS” section, provided that over the past time they have been finalized.

5. Dates

5.1. Submission of application – until October, 15, 2022 .
5.2. Submission of competitive projects – until November, 15, 2022.
5.3. Exhibition of competitive projects – December, 6 – 8, 2022
at the 3d International forum «ArchGlass 2022» (Moscow, Central House of architects).
5.4. The announcement of the results of the competition
and the awarding ceremony of the winners – December, 6 – 8, 2022
in Moscow, Central House of architects.

6. Conditions and order of participation

6.1. You must submit an application for participation and pay the registration fee (see 8.1) to participate in the competition.
6.2. Payment is made until November, 15, 2022 on the basis of the invoice of the Union of Moscow architects. After receiving a notice of payment, the project is included in the list of participants of the competition.
6.3. If a participant submits several projects, a separate application is made for each project and a registration fee is paid.
6.4. The author (authors) of the projects submitted to the competition guarantees that the projects themselves and information about them do not violate the copyright or property rights of third parties and assumes responsibility in case of claims by third parties.
6.5. Jury members are not eligible to participate in the competition.

7. Composition and requirements
for the submitted materials

7.1. All graphics and annotation materials should be made
with an emphasis on the use of aluminum.
7.2. You need to send the following to the email
– application for participation and Annex to the application.
The application form should be downloaded at;
– exposition materials – layout of posters (see 7.4).
Exposure of one project – 2 or 4 posters, each size 1x1,40 (h) m;
In the nomination “Best student project”, an exposition material is presented on ONE poster.
– short annotation in free form (no more than 1,5 thousand characters with spaces) in a separate Word file.
7.3. To publish competitive projects in the catalogue and on the site, it is necessary to send separate images presented on posters in the original high resolution (TIFF format, CMYK 300 dpi, JPG is allowed in the maximum quality).

7.4. Layout posters should include:
– information field (see 7.6.);
– general view, fragments of the object (for realized objects - photos from nature) – depending on the nomination;
– graphic projections (plans, facades, sections, details, etc.) - depending on the nomination (at the discretion of the author);
– annotation to the work (no more than 1000 characters).

7.5. The layout of the posters is submitted in electronic form – graphic file format TIF
size of 1 x 1,4 (h) m with resolution of 150 dpi.
Each poster is presented in the separate file.
Rules of registration for posters are on
Please read them carefully and arrange the posters
in accordance with the rules.
7.6. For «Information field» (filled by the organizer) at the top of each poster leave «clean» strip 15 cm high and send the following information in Word format:
– section of the competition, nomination;
– name and location of the object;
– team of authors (in accordance with the Application);
– design and construction organizations;
– manufacturers of aluminum structures and materials;
– Investors, customers, developers (at the request of the authors).
7.7. Printing and production of posters is carried out by the organizer of the competition.

8. Registration fee:

8.1. Registration fee for 1 project:
2 posters – 450 Euro, 4 posters – 700 Euro.
VAT (20%) is included.
Registration fee includes:
– printing of competitive projects on posters (plastic);
– organization of the exposition;
– publication in the Forum catalogue:
1 page A4 for 2 posters, 2 pages for 4 posters.
– posting information about the competition on the websites of the Forum,
the Union of Architects of Russia, the Union of Moscow Architects,
Glass Industry Union and specialized media;
– presentation of participants’ projects in the business program.
8.2. Registration fee for participation in the special nomination «The best student project» – 90 Euro. VAT (20%) is included.
8.3. Publication of advertising in the catalogue (at the request of the participant):
1 page – 550 Euro. VAT (20%) is included.

9. Jury

9.1. The jury consists of winners of previous competitions, leading architects, industry experts, representatives of relevant organizations and institutions.
9.2. The evaluation criteria of the jury are: professionalism, compositional and artistic unity of the object; non-standard design solutions, the search for new forms; the use of innovative materials and technologies; functional, ergonomic and environmental quality.
9.3. The jury reserves the right not to choose any winner in the stated nominations.


Grand Prix

The National award is Grand Prix
for the best realized projects
with the use of glass and money reward in the amount of 2000 Euro.

and UNREALIZED projects section

Gold, Silver, Bronze diplomas, diplomas of the Union of Architects of Russia
In nomination
The best student project

Diplomas of the Union
of Architects of Russia


of application



July 2021


of competitive projects



August 2021

10. Awards

10.1. The National award is Grand Prix for the best realized projects
with the use of glass and money reward in the amount of 2000 Euro.
In the REALIZED and UNREALIZED projects section:
Gold, Silver, Bronze diplomas, diplomas of the Union of Architects of Russia
(the number is determined by the jury).
In nomination "The best student project"
Diplomas of the Union of Architects of Russia.
10.2. Diplomas and prizes of Contest Partners.

11. Other conditions

11.1. All competitive projects remain at the disposal of the Founder and Organizer. Works not marked by the jury may be returned to the participants within 30 (thirty) days after the announcement of the results at the address: Moscow, Granatny per., 7.
11.2. Images of competitive projects and information about them may be used at the discretion of the Founder and Organizer for advertising purposes related to the competition.
11.3. The results of the competition are posted on the websites of the Forum, the Union of Architects of Russia, the Union of Moscow Architects, Glass Industry Union and specialized media.

To participate in the exhibition,

please download and fill out

the Full application or fill out

short online application

Союз архитекторов России
Союз московских архитекторов
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